Saturday, February 25, 2012

new year mash-up. part 3.

May 2011
On Wednesday, May 11, 2011, I became an aunt to Eleanor Nadine Dusch.

Now having the title of "aunt" is pretty old news to me. I come from a rather unique family situation.
Here is the rundown-- dad marries once= 2 kids; divorce; dad marries again= 1 kid (me); divorce; mom marries again= 2 kids.  So I have two much older half-sibs and two much younger half-sibs... and then there is me in the middle all by my (okay, not so) lonesome. And there you have it: I am my dad's sweet baby and my mom's impressive (::wink::) first-born.

That being said, I think I became an "aunt" at age 5 or somewhere around there. I have memories of playing with my oldest niece more as a friend than anything else-- and it was always a little trippy when she would call me "Aunt Brittany." After that, along came 2 more nieces and a nephew-- the youngest of which is now in high school. Due to long distances and this age gap, I feel I've never actually made that aunt-niece/nephew connection with any of them, and I suppose that probably makes me the world's lamest aunt.

And then along came Miss Eleanor, showing up at my aunt-ripe age of 26.  Perfect timing. I intend to do it right and do it well this time around, now that I am a fully developed and cogent adult (or so I hope). It doesn't hurt that this little baby girl makes it easy as pie-- what with her sunny disposition and beautiful, round face-- to be the doting aunt that I've always dreamed of being. I aim to spoil her rotten sweet with gifts and hugs and cheek-to-cheek, heart-to-heart LOVE.

Blue eyes that sparkle with wonder. Rosy cheeks parenthesizing her sunbeam of a smile. Pouty-without-the-actual-pout lips. A shimmer of wispy golden hair. Softest of little pudge hands. Dainty toes that curl over my finger when I poke the balls of her teeny feet. And THAT smell-- that wonderfully babyish smell that can only be fittingly described as "you know, how babies smell" (I know, it doesn't do the smell justice, but how can you concoct and compare other smells to try to derive that singularly amazing smell?? What exactly is in that smell other than pure, wonderful BABY?). Needless to say, I love this girl from the top of her head to the tips of her little piggies. Smiles and happiness are sure to follow when I am around her (would it be bad to say she is kind of a drug?). She makes my uterus ache, that's for dang sure.

Not only do I get to be this wee one's aunt, but her parents also blessed me by allowing me to be her Godmother. Whoa. I am so incredibly honored to be a part of Ellie's spiritual growth. Looking back, it is so crazy and amazing (cramazing?) that I walked away from the Catholic church for 8 years, thinking I would never ever go back, only to find myself (360 degrees later) miraculously back where God had put me from the start (I should have known He had done that for a reason). AND in less than 3 years after coming back to full communion with the Church, I have gotten married and witnessed my niece/Goddaughter's baptism into this same wonderful religion. I promise to make sure my niece, as she grows, will always be given all the answers to her questions and the guidance that I never received growing up. She will know what it means to be Catholic, and I pray she will grow to adore the Church for the precious, multifaceted jewel that it is.

Love you, little Ellie.

This is such a Santa Claus is Coming to Town (claymation movie) face!

Baby blues.
Pure sweetness.


I am in bed and Bonnie is curled into the side of my leg. Such a warm little pup.
Monday is our two year wedding anniversary. My how time flies when you're having fun. My mom bought us some dish towels (apparently the gift for two years is cotton). Love that lady.
Now 9-month old Eleanor is sicky (or so I hear) for the first time ever. Poor love. Hey, 9 months is a pretty good run if you ask me. Mad props to her mommy.
My house is so messy I could scream. But instead I will just do anything but actually clean it.
The Academy Awards presentation is Sunday, and for the first time in my history, I am not particularly excited for it. Well, maybe just for Billy Crystal. Bring it, Billy. Bring it.

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